Friday, January 27, 2006

i'm reading a novel about the revolutionary war (pretty good too) and in it there are quit a few famous quotes used. one of them struck me the other day, it says "the constitution guarantees the pursuit of happiness, but each person has to find it themselves". i know i didn't get it word for word, but you get the drift. aaannnnywaay! it set me to thinking (yes i know a scary thing) our society, including me at times, has come to believe being happy is a right and it's up to the govt, community, spouses, children, pick your wish, to provide it to us. the truth is happiness has to come within ourselves. yes, present surroundings or past hauntings can make us sad even miserable, but it's up to us whether we wallow in it even revel in it.
i'm not saying it's easy. as a matter of fact it can be VERY HARD to find happiness, particularly for a person that tends to pessimism or fights depression. but it's there. you have to have your eyes open for it because sometimes it sneaks up on you. sometimes it's disguised in the things and people around us everyday. and for those that there just doesn't seem to be any happiness there is contentment to find. at times that can be just as good if not better.
thank you and god bless

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

off to maybe someplace like this
can someone please tell me who decided marraige, kids, life etc.. has to be so frickin difficult. i would really like to beat the crap out of them. yesterday heading out on I-530 i dreamed just driving and not stopping. up north somewhere then take a left to somewhere else. but duty calls EVERY SINGLE TIME! i know this will pass but dang!