Friday, July 29, 2005

ok, here's a call you don't want. son 1100 mi away in a stunt show, "mom how do you remove stitches?" mom, "WHY?" (wait it gets better) son, "oh they aren't mine, i've just always wanted to remove stitches." now, i really don't know which is worse, that he would call me or that this is something he has ALWAYS wanted to do. hubby says i'm slightly morbid and he's right but i would have never guessed it was genetically programmed. even though as a nurse you have to have a fascination with what others call gross it's startling when it shows in your kids.
ah well, kids, gotta love 'em.


Mom said...

Don't leave us hanging like this...aaaahhhhh...what was it with the stiches...surly it wasn't really that he just wanted to know how to remove stiches...make him tell us..LOL

Mom said...

surely hahaha

Anonymous said...

haha! stuarts wierd!! he was all giddy when he called and told me that he was gonna get to take out her stitches! my reaction was identical to yours, "WHY?!?" and "gross stuart, thats not exciting..." lol. funny boy... im soooo excited about him coming to visit soon!!! :)