Tuesday, August 23, 2005

hello. i've not been able to post in quite a while. not that i have any great words of wisdom anyway. well some updates: the cat is a he not a she. but after thurs will not technically be a he either, HAH wink wink. i'm sorry fellas, some days it is soooo satisfying for a woman to say NEUTER. the stitches weren't stu's they were one of the girls from the show with two stitches in her toe. now i'm an ex-nurse, but, i wouldn't touch somebody's feet unless absolutely necessary.
uuuhhh let's seee, oh yeah i think my shop has demons. technologically advanced demons. they know how to shut down all machines. and screw-up any attempt of anybody to fix them. but i think that connie (lady in front office) and i just might have them corralled. if not by tomorrow i'm going to call the preacher and schedule an exorcism. well that's about all for now.

1 comment:

Mom said...

cool, hope they are still there when i get there..i can introduce them to the ones in my house. poor kitty but thats life in the big city..he a she probably won't care as long as it has a good home LOL